About me
Thank you for visiting "Deef's Ball Python Breeding".
It all started way back...
As a child, I was always fascinated by all living creatures, particularly the exotic ones such as reptiles, scorpions and spiders.
I used to catch spiders in mason jars to feed them flies and other self-caught insects.
At the age of fifteen, with the help of an uncle, I learned how to cut glass and started building and designing my own glass terrariums.
The first lizards I bought were 1.1 Ameiva ameiva, which I finally exchanged for my first ball python.In the early ‘90s, I had a various collection of Python regius, Morelia spilota variegata, Pandinus imperator, Uromastyx gehri, Physignathus cocincinus, Xenopus laevis, Anolis carolinensis, a variety of tarantulas and much more.
I started breeding Ball pythons in 2017 and became a professional business in April 2021.
Next to breeding Python regius, the largest number of snakes in my collection, I also try to breed a variety of Python brongersmai,
Python bivitattus progschai (100% pure dwarf!) and Bothrochilus albertisii 100% het Albino T+.
Especially the last group, I own 1.2, seems very difficult to breed.
I try to keep you updated via this website on all available offspring, some of my projects and a I will show you a few animals of my own private collection.
Another and neither less important part of my job is designing & building customized high quality terrariums.
Instead of the common glass terra (particularly heavy), the ones you can find in your local petstore , I use much lighter materials what makes my
terrariums more easy to handle, to clean and to reposition if necessary.
This new design will give your reptileroom a boost and a more professional look which will, under normal conditions, last a lifetime.
It doesn't matter if you need just one terrarium, or a completely filled wall or room, or terra-rack, your wish is my command!
You determine the size(s) you need: length x width x height.
The terrariums I design are made of:
- Anodized Aluminium frame
- PVC foamplates 4mm: sides,back and roof
- Dibond floor (two layers of alumium around a polyethylene core)
- Sliding doors made of 4mm thick floatglass
All terrariums with the same floor dimensions can be stacked using an "invisible" stackingframe.
Invisible; because the frame will fit into the topside of the lower terrarium and into the bottom of the terra on top.
This will give you the oppertunity to create your own customized terrarack.
Unfortunately, in the time in which we now live, I can no longer work with a fixed price list, given the almost weekly, monthly price increase of the materials I use, such as aluminum, PVC and glass.I hope you can understand this, unfortunately I have no influence on the financial situation in the world...
Again, thank you for visiting "Deef's Ball Python Breeding" see you next time.

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